Open Water & Pool Coaching Videos

Slice of the Action

We know that cake and open water swimming go together!! That's why we chose a slice of cake on this beautiful bespoke "Slice of the Action" medal.

This medal can be yours if you take up the challenge!

Entry costs £15 plus £2.50 p&p. That's £17.50 in total. If you live outside the UK, please message us first at and find out the postage before paying for your medal.

All proceeds, that's every penny of your £15 will go to our chosen charity COSMIC.

Who is up for this virtual 5km charity swim challenge?

Is it you?

There is no time limit for claiming your medal, so you can do your challenge over the summer.

If you want to cut your swim up into smaller slices at a time, then feel free to do so. 5km is a big ask in one go. The idea is to encourage you to go and have a swim, not for you to think "I can't swim that far!" How about 5 x 1km, 10 x 50m? ..the slices can be as large or small as you want them to be. When you have completed the 5km, let us know and we can get your medal out to you!  ✉️

We are raising money for COSMIC an organisation caring for babies and children in intensive care. They support and raise funds for all the children’s and neonatal intensive care units at St Mary’s Hospital and Queen Charlotte’s Hospital.

There are a limited number of medals available, so don't delay!

To enter please use PayPal:

Once you have paid, please message admin with your full name and Facebook name (if it's different), address and telephone number, then we will log your details or email us at Facebook link is here.

When you sign up please remember this is not an organised swim and that your entry to the challenge is at your own risk. This means you are responsible for your own safety. Make sure you do not swim alone and that there is always somebody either acting as a spotter or is swimming with you. Have warm clothing ready to put on after. Take a hot drink and that obligatory piece of cake! 

Private Policy: All personal details collected by us are used solely for the purpose of this challenge and to post the medal to you. Your information will not be used for any other purpose.

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©Solent Swim School 2021
