Open Water & Pool Coaching Videos

Relax with our Water Wellness

Water Wellness

Disclaimer: Please only undertake this relaxation routine if it is suitable for your needs, please check with your medical practitioner if you are not sure

Water is vital for our wellbeing. Apart from drinking it to maintain our body symptoms, water is good for exercise, recreation and relaxation. It can be a healing medium for both mind and body.

As swimmers we identify with this view point and we have both benefited from using water to promote our wellbeing , using it to manage stress, pain and anxiety at times. Two important factors in swimming are being relaxed, aware of your body and maintaining a regular relaxed breathing technique.

In the absence of the pool why not try a relaxing wellness routine at home, and listen to the sounds of music.

Environment is very important. You will need to create a calm, relaxing and comfortable environment. You may like to use mood lighting, candles or incense sticks but please ensure you do so safely. Plump soft pillows to relax your head upon too. Ensure the temperature of the room is comfortable and wear comfortable loose clothing.

Music will help create a mood of calm. There are many free apps available such as Insight Timer, there is a link to some relaxation music at the end of this session. Or you may already have your own playlist.

If you are able to set aside even just 5 or 10 minutes where you won't be disturbed then that is great. But if not, use whatever time you have available to escape the hustle and bustle of your household. It is important for your own wellbeing to schedule some relaxation time for yourself particularly at this difficult time.

Now the scene is set, lets begin....

We will keep this very simple so you don't have to keep coming back for instructions. Set up your music. We have included one here that we have made just for you.

* As you relax you may like to close your eyes, or focus on your soft lighting or even an image.

* Check in on your body. Focus on each area working your way down from head to toe. Focus on relaxing each muscle, whether it be the forehead, cheeks or mouth area through your whole body down to your toes. Do you feel any tension in the area as you focus on it? If you do, relax the muscle and let the tension go, leaving the muscle in a relaxed state

* Focus on your breathing. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Feel your tummy area gently rise and fall. Count  slowly as you breathe in, hold for a second or two and then gently release the breath, counting back down to 1. Keep to your regular natural rate of breathing.

* Let any thoughts that come to your mind gently float away, always bringing your mind back to your breathing.

* Keep your eyes closed or focussed on the image or light, whichever you have chosen to do.

* As you relax feel the tensions gently ebb away.

You may have set a timer to alert you that your time is up or the music may have ended. At this point slowly open your eyes. Move your limbs gently and regain full awareness. Sit up when ready if you have been laying down.

Do not prepare to stand until you are fully aware and feel able to mobilise safely. You may have a glass of water next to you so you hydrate. 

We hope you feel relaxed and we look forward to seeing you at one of our wellness sessions in the future.

Insight Timer

The Relaxation Channel

The Relaxation Channel Podcasts

©Solent Swim School 2020
