Open Water & Pool Coaching Videos

Virtual Lesson for our STAnley Children.

Hello everyone!

Here is your first virtual lesson from us here at Solent Swim School. We are inviting you to enjoy some exercises with us, so you when your return to our school in the near future, you will have retained some of the skills you worked so hard to learn. This lesson is designed for our STAnley children, age range 2 yrs to 4yrs.

Safety Rules

As with all lessons safety is important and today is no different. Do you remember all our safety rules?

1. Get into the Water Safely! Yes we need you to enter the water holding the handrail or if you can do a swivel entry.  Whichever way you enter, you must let Mummy or Daddy enter first and you wait by the side until your teacher tells you its safe for you to come in.

2. Always Listen to my Teacher.  Yes this is very important. We ask you to listen because we want you to be safe. When you are chattering and splashing, you may not hear us, so we have to raise our voices. This is so that you can hear what we are saying. Listening to us means you stay safe in the water. Remember in our pool, you cannot stand unless you are on the steps. So its very important you listen to what we say.

3. Always Try to do what my Teacher asks. This is a very, very important rule. Sometimes we will ask you to do things that you can't do, or that you don't want to do, or that you have never done before. But we know that you are ready to try so we ask you to do it. This is how we learn, by just trying to do that little bit more each time. We only ask that you try. This helps us to know how we can help you to do it in the future to make you more confident.

Safety in the Water

We would like you to do some exercises now and to do these you will need to click on the links below:

Spot the Dangers in the Pool

Spot the Dangers at the Beach

Face in the Water

This is a good one to learn at home at bath time. Fill the bath so it is quite full and this will give you more wiggle room. You will need to wear your goggles for this one. We want your mummies and daddies to hide something in their hand. When you are ready tell mummy or daddy and then they will put their hand in the water. Then you will put your face in the water, open your eyes and they will open their hand so you can see what it is. Then up you come and you have to tell them what it was! Do this with several different things, like coins, buttons, even some different shapes. Let us know how many you get out of 10!!

Ears in the Water

We find a lot of our children don't like going on their backs because they get water in their ears. We do recommend ear bands which are a barrier or to use ear plugs. The disadvantage of these is that its difficult to hear what the teacher is saying, once they are in, but they can certainly help in the learning process.

This exercise is very simple and it involves just laying in the bath with tummy up and head back and ears in the water. Make sure the bath is not overfilled so they can lay on their backs comfortably. If there is enough room they can practice their starfish float and their pencil float. If not, don't worry the ears in the water is the aim of the game. Tell us how long you can stay there!

Jumping in from the Side

This is an exercise you can start at home too. When you jump into the pool we want you to bend your knees and reach out to mummy or daddy. If you are doing this at home, you probably haven't got a pool you can do it in, so here is a little video to watch and then you can have a go at doing it to. You can do this in the garden or you can do it indoors but remember to jump back so you have enough room to jump forward again.

This is just a small sample of exercises you can do at home. We will be announcing a competition shortly so get your colouring pencils at the ready!

Until next time keep doing these exercises...

©Solent Swim School 2020
